Posteado por: npiedecuesta | abril 14, 2010



July of 1810, 3 the Creoles from Cali asked to enjoy the same privileges of the peninsular ones, of those that were excluded, without injuring the colonial régime neither the Spanish Empire. They felt Spanish.
July of 1810, 3 today 185 years ago, was carried out a meeting or special meeting of the Town council of Cali and it was approved a declaration that, in strict sense, anything had of Record of Independence, as always it has been considered. On the contrary, that text proclaims the adhesion to the Spanish monarchy, to the king Fernando VII and it is considered to Spain like the homeland of the signatories. What the document reveals is a feeling of autonomy that could be expressed thanks to that in Spain the monarchy had been deposed by Napoleon and he/she had lost temper the legality in the vast Catholic empire.
But this didn’t imply the petition of independence, neither you proclaim from freedom, neither opposition to the monarchy, by no means the democracy ideas, nation and republic – that were not anachronisms in the time, because they were part of the ideario of the true patriots -. Neither it claimed economic and social reformations that took finally of the slavery and the feudalism. Truly, what the Creoles of 1810 wanted was to enjoy the same privileges of the peninsular ones, of those that were excluded, without injuring the colonial régime neither the Spanish Empire.
The Independence of the New Granada, begun in 1810, was the beginning of the construction of the national identity, of the taking of conscience of the culture and the defense of the resources of the nascent country that later on Colombia called herself. Today, inclining to the democracy, the participation and the ownership, the High Presidential Consejería for the Bicentennial one summons to the private sector and the citizenship to commemorate the Independence. By María Donated Cecilia, High Presidential Consultant for the Bicentennial one.
The Independence of the New Granada was only the beginning of an unstoppable feeling, because of the initial birdcalls for autonomy went to the fight by the absolute independence, and with it happened it a political revolution. If in 1810 this revolution began in the town councils-the representative political bodies of the traditional society-, one decade later, in 1821, in the Congress of the Villa of the Rosario of Cúcuta, the establishment of the genuineness began with the road of the political representation, basic sustenance of the Colombian democracy.
This victory of the political modernity demanded the citizen’s invention whose existence allows to pronounce the sentence “us, the town”. from then on, the citizen is the fundamental actor, the one that will participate more and more in the decisions of the formation of the nation, consolidating his sense of ownership to her.

El 3 de julio de 1810, los criollos de Cali pedían gozar de los mismos privilegios de los peninsulares, de los que estaban excluidos, sin lesionar el régimen colonial ni el Imperio Español. Se sentían españoles.
El 3 de julio de 1810, hoy hace 185 años, se llevó a cabo una junta o reunión extraordinaria del Cabildo de Cali y fue aprobada una declaración que, en sentido estricto, nada tenía de Acta de Independencia, como siempre se ha considerado. Por el contrario, ese texto proclama la adhesión a la monarquía española, al rey Fernando VII y se considera a España como la patria de los firmantes. Lo que el documento revela es un sentimiento de autonomía, que pudo expresarse gracias a que en España la monarquía había sido depuesta por Napoleón y se había alterado la legalidad en el vasto imperio católico.
Pero ésta no implicaba la petición de independencia, ni proclamas de libertad, ni oposición a la monarquía, ni mucho menos las ideas de democracia, nación y república -que no eran anacronismos en la época, pues formaron parte del ideario de los verdaderos patriotas-. Tampoco reclamaba reformas económicas y sociales que llevaran al fin de la esclavitud y el feudalismo. En verdad, lo que querían los criollos de 1810 era gozar de los mismos privilegios de los peninsulares, de los que estaban excluidos, sin lesionar el régimen colonial ni el Imperio Español.
La Independencia de la Nueva Granada, iniciada en 1810, fue el comienzo de la construcción de la identidad nacional, de la toma de conciencia de la cultura y la defensa de los recursos del naciente país, que posteriormente se llamó Colombia. Hoy, propendiendo a la democracia, la participación y la pertenencia, la Alta Consejería Presidencial para el Bicentenario convoca al sector privado y a la ciudadanía a conmemorar la Independencia. Por María Cecilia Donado, Alta Consejera Presidencial para el Bicentenario.
La Independencia de la Nueva Granada fue sólo el comienzo de un imparable sentimiento, pues de los reclamos iniciales por autonomía se pasó a la lucha por la independencia absoluta, y con ello sucedió una revolución política. Si en 1810 esta revolución comenzó en los cabildos –los cuerpos políticos representativos de la sociedad tradicional–, una década después, en 1821, en el Congreso de la Villa del Rosario de Cúcuta, empezó el establecimiento de la legitimidad por la vía de la representación política, sustento básico de la democracia colombiana.
Esta victoria de la modernidad política exigió la invención del ciudadano, cuya existencia permite pronunciar la frase “nosotros, el pueblo”. Desde entonces, el ciudadano es el actor fundamental, el que va a participar cada vez más en las decisiones de la formación de la nación, consolidando su sentido de pertenencia a ella.
Angel David Hurtado Franco


    GRADE. 701
    THEACHER:Sandra Patricia

    The bicentennial of colombia

    for my the bicentennial is a time that was done on July 20, 1810 in Santa Fe boot that sicnifico the beginning of independence from Colombia.

    dmoracia celebrates the bicentennial one is under construction always calls us.
    commits us and keeps us constantly dispersed.

    delbicentenario the commemoration of gra become a public forum sore the great values and ideas and themes that serve to saver happened at that time.

    nuestrahistoria tanbien not explained well but with the mass of the other and that is so much to think about the past and the future.

    we have and account devemos hat the bicentennial is a very imporotante date for tdos Colombians.

    GRADE: 701
    The Bicentennial of Colombia


    the two hundred years of the independence to colombian.
    every begin the twenty of july of1810;the creole to organize a banquet in honor of ANTONIO VILLAVICENCIO for decorate the table to solicit a flower vase .

    • On Monday October 20, the Bolivarian American Journalists Foundation, started the official program for the commemoration
      DAYANNA MEZA 904

      of the bicentennial of the Independence of Colombia, with the presentation of the conference "Thus was born the homeland." He explained to about 2000 students from different schools in the city, the legal and Colombia as a nation was born free and sovereign, the reason for its name, the meaning of each of the symbols that identify it to the world and each students will be delivered Primer Thus was born the country, to form a bibliography that allows queries and knowledge of the subject.
      Also presented the Work "Colombia in History", contains five volumes with the history of the country from aboriginal times to the June 30, 2007. Work that proudly edited the University Corporation of Meta, as a tribute to the Bicentennial.
      The monthly program will develop a conference or exhibition graphics or presentation of a book always related to the theme of the bicentennial.

      • DAYANNA MEZA 904
        "This year is very special because it celebrates the bicentennial of the Cry of Independence. It was in our Bogota where they grew the roots of freedom of Colombia. On 20 July this year we will open the Centennial urn that rests at the Museum of Bogotá and possibly treasured documents, photos and other historical material from 1910, when it celebrated the centennial of the Cry of Independence. "To open the July 20, 2010," says the inscription on the lid. That'll do. In addition, we will launch a call to fill a new box with objects representative of the XXI century Bogotá. A ballot box will be closed for 100 years. "

      • On 20 July 2010 will be held in Colombia Second Centennial

        Grito de Independencia. Memorable date that should rejoice the
        hearts of Colombians to show they still feel gratitude for
        fellow citizens who gave their lives on scaffolds and fields
        battle to leave us the precious gift of freedom.
        Date unfading that should stir in our souls the eternal love
        this country, that God in his goodness gave us, so full of riches
        and gifts, we waste and only exploit for evil and perversion
        of humanity itself.
        Date blessed that should serve to thank the Creator property
        spiritual and material with which he endowed the Colombian and make
        national vote for peace covers the fields of this blessed land and live
        as brothers.
        Date hopeful to start a new life founded on the ideals
        of our freedom.

    GRADE : 701

    While nearly all Colombians know the history of de1810 July 20, the events in Santa Fe that day were neither the first nor the last in a series of events that occurred around that date and define the birth of a new republic. The importance of July 20 is that Santa Fe was the viceregal and the events that took place there an impact on the rest of the territory.

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